Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy

My personal experiences with prophecy and the prophetic gift I do not consider myself a prophet, nor am I close to being as prophetically gifted as other “non-prophets” who also possess prophetic gifts. When I am not being lazy (and I am often lazy), I lean into these gifts and with my faith prophesy inContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy”

Hearing God Speak Part 7 – Interpreting Dreams and Visions

Interpreting Your Dreams and Vision God-given prophetic dreams and visions are more common among Believers than many of us believe. According to Acts 2:17, they are the inheritance of the saints. Yet, many of us have not been taught what to do with them or even how to know they are from God. The threeContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 7 – Interpreting Dreams and Visions”