Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy

My personal experiences with prophecy and the prophetic gift I do not consider myself a prophet, nor am I close to being as prophetically gifted as other “non-prophets” who also possess prophetic gifts. When I am not being lazy (and I am often lazy), I lean into these gifts and with my faith prophesy inContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy”

Hearing God Speak – Part 6 Signs, Symbols and Metaphors

#voiceofGod #biblicalsymbols #parables “God does speak; now one way, now another…” Job 33:14 As we discern the endless ways God communicates with us, we must consider the role of signs, symbols, and metaphors. These are tools that God uses as we go about our day, and they are replete in our dreams and visions now asContinue reading “Hearing God Speak – Part 6 Signs, Symbols and Metaphors”

Hearing God Speak Part 5: The Holy Spirit Guiding in the Book of Acts

#holyspirit #holyspiritspeaks #hearinggod #voiceofgod #holyspiritbookofacts [All verses that follow are from the New International Version of the Bible -NIV] Throughout this series on Hearing God Speak, we have established that God is a Communicator (1), the reasons God speaks (2) Old vs. New Covenant (Testament) ways that God speaks to His people (3), how GodContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 5: The Holy Spirit Guiding in the Book of Acts”

Jesus is Born – A Special Present to my Readers

Enjoy this original song. I can’t take credit – the Holy Spirit sang it and I’m just the note-taker. Performed first by the children of New Life Fellowship in 2009.Production is just a demo lovingly done – words, music and vocals, Linda; Music arrangement and production – Carlos Sanchez. (c) 2013 Click on link:Jesus isContinue reading “Jesus is Born – A Special Present to my Readers”