Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy

My personal experiences with prophecy and the prophetic gift I do not consider myself a prophet, nor am I close to being as prophetically gifted as other “non-prophets” who also possess prophetic gifts. When I am not being lazy (and I am often lazy), I lean into these gifts and with my faith prophesy inContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 9a: God speaks through prophecy”

The Hearing God Speak LIVE Online Course is Here

Email HearingGodCourse@gmail.com or Register Here: This course will include information from the entire Hearing God Speak series at WordAliveBibleStudies.blog, including upcoming lessons on prophecy, dreams and visions, and hearing God’s voice. It will be interactive, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and jointly discern what God has been saying to each of us. TopicsContinue reading “The Hearing God Speak LIVE Online Course is Here”

Hearing God Speak Part 2: Why God Speaks

Bible Study for Individuals or Groups Daniel 2:28 [God] gives wisdom to the wiseAnd knowledge to those who have understanding.He reveals deep and secret things;He knows what is in the darkness,And light dwells with Him. — Part 1—God Does Speak begins a 6-part series intended to help us all recognize God’s voice and the many ways He speaksContinue reading “Hearing God Speak Part 2: Why God Speaks”