Sleepless in New York

I  was at a great workshop on stress relief. I was doing well until the presenter got to the part where she told us to “just Rest in God“. Now, that’s an expression I’ve heard a thousand times. Heck, I’ve used it a thousand times. This time around I could stay silent no longer. At least not before God.Continue reading “Sleepless in New York”

The Big Deal About the Cross – Part 2 – I’m Free from Accusation!

“I didn’t do it!”  “Not my fault!” “S/he did it”. My personal favorite: “An alien came and did it”. My now grown children, and now (the last quote) grandchildren were/are incredible inventive when it came to deflecting blame. Blaming aliens, I must admit, really takes a straight face – on my part! Sadly, I have found myself doing theContinue reading “The Big Deal About the Cross – Part 2 – I’m Free from Accusation!”

The Big Deal About the Cross – Part 1

For almost a week I tossed and turned at night, uncontrollably, audibly sighing “ uggghhh” every few minutes. It kept my husband up. I even sighed in the day time. I had deeply hurt someone I love by my careless words and the weight of my guilt was doing me in. I couldn’t undo it,Continue reading “The Big Deal About the Cross – Part 1”

Putting Doubt to Bed

I was at a group during a devotional time last year and the leader read the off-told bible passage about the disciples in a boat during a storm. Waves crashed about while Jesus slept through it all. But this time, when one part of that story was read, I distinctly felt in my heart thatContinue reading “Putting Doubt to Bed”

Leaving My Father’s House

True story. Six years ago, I was sitting at my desk at the church I work for when the (then) senior pastor stopped by and said, “This is the word of the Lord for you: Leave your father’s house!” The pastor wasn’t given a sudden prophecy like that, so I sat up and paid attention.Continue reading “Leaving My Father’s House”

ZOMBIES!…Coming to a church near you

In talking about the revival at today’s bible study the topic naturally moved on to spiritual death. I likened it to the perennial “frog in a hot plate” scenario where the water is heated ever so slowly so that by the time the frog realizes it, he’s already cooked.  Many Christians at one time orContinue reading “ZOMBIES!…Coming to a church near you”

Jesus is Born – A Special Present to my Readers

Enjoy this original song. I can’t take credit – the Holy Spirit sang it and I’m just the note-taker. Performed first by the children of New Life Fellowship in 2009.Production is just a demo lovingly done – words, music and vocals, Linda; Music arrangement and production – Carlos Sanchez. (c) 2013 Click on link:Jesus isContinue reading “Jesus is Born – A Special Present to my Readers”

I’m Just not that Religious!

I was speaking at a conference this summer, addressing a workshop for women about the Holy Spirit’s leading in our lives. But the question the women wanted to be answered the most was, “How can I become a Godly woman?”.  Much coughing and stumbling followed as I wracked my brain. What a terrible question forContinue reading “I’m Just not that Religious!”


I was at the laundromat with my husband and the dryer kept “eating” my quarters. I told the attendant who brushed me off saying, “I don’t believe you put 5 quarters in there”. Because there is a difference in our races and language, I assumed she was just being racist. Indignant, I told her in twoContinue reading “I am OFFENDED!”

Warning: Ministry May Be Hazardous to Your Spiritual Health

It started with three dreams in one night:In each dream, I ended up crying. I mean, like, wailing. Each dream had to do with an aspect of pastoral ministry and in two out of the three dreams I wanted out. In the third dream what I wanted out for was the sweet, sweet presence ofContinue reading “Warning: Ministry May Be Hazardous to Your Spiritual Health”

Crying over Real Estate

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. – Luke 13:34 Jesus clearly wasn’t crying over real estate. Yes, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and JacobContinue reading “Crying over Real Estate”

The Nightmare Training Ground

I came to Christ and became a “born again believer” of Jesus in December 1984. Then the nightmares began… Literally. The nightmares where demonic entities have invaded my dreams, terrorizing me, trying to harm me, even lying to me, all started after I accepted Christ. After I became a threat to that other kingdom. They even harassed my children fromContinue reading “The Nightmare Training Ground”