Charismania pt 6 – Glory clouds, Angelic visits etc

What this is – The Old Testament talks about times when God’s manifest presence was so thick and palpable that it was often described as a cloud or smoke or even a fire. Many people have reported seeing such a smokey cloud in worship services and other places. Clouds  and  Fire Cloud/smoke filled the tabernacleContinue reading “Charismania pt 6 – Glory clouds, Angelic visits etc”

Charismania part 5 – shouts outs

Shouting out “uncontrollably” – It is very normal and natural for Christians (from Jericho’s walls collapsing at the shout, to Psalmist exhortations to shout to the Lord, stories like Jehoshaphat’s army choir). Some church traditions find it improper to clap or say, “Amen” let alone to shout exuberantly in praise. But that is not the kindContinue reading “Charismania part 5 – shouts outs”

Charismania pt 4 Feathers, “Gold Dust”, Oil and Jewels -u

Feathers “Gold Dust, Oil, Jewels and other “otherworldly” phenomena. What this refers to – there are reports and even some videos of feathers appearing out of nowhere, either a single one or several fluttering down from the…who knows where? I can’t attest to the authenticity or in-authenticity of all these videos and reports. Glitter-like goldenContinue reading “Charismania pt 4 Feathers, “Gold Dust”, Oil and Jewels -u”

Charismania Part 3 ; Holy Laughter

I strongly suspect that what we now call “holy laughter” (seeming uncontrollable laughter prompted by the Holy Spirit) has been around since Jesus. God is the author of joy and we see Him actually laugh here: What the bible says Psalm 2: 1-12 ESV Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? TheContinue reading “Charismania Part 3 ; Holy Laughter”

Charismania Pt 2 – Shaking and Jerking “Under the Power”

What this refers to – Sometimes people tremble: from their core, or their hands and arms might shake, a head may also shake from side to side, jaw and teeth may chatter uncontrollably, and if the person is lying down, all of these may be happening at once. Other people tend to always respond thisContinue reading “Charismania Pt 2 – Shaking and Jerking “Under the Power””

Charismania Part 1; “Manifestations” Slain in Spirit

  After many years as a pastor and even more as a believer, I have observed, read about, and experienced various phenomena mostly identified with charismatic or  Pentecostal circles. I have come to know that it extends beyond any given denomination or tradition, although if people are unfamiliar with what is happening to them, theyContinue reading “Charismania Part 1; “Manifestations” Slain in Spirit”

Introduction to – “Charismania” Are manifestations of the Holy Spirit: real or fake?

“Just because something seems weird, that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t God. But on the other hand, making things more weird does not make them more God!” – J. Johnson (no relation) I am very passionate about three things: Unbridled passion for the Person and Presence of the Omnipresent God – however He chooses toContinue reading “Introduction to – “Charismania” Are manifestations of the Holy Spirit: real or fake?”